In what can be seen as a security challenge for India, China has reportedly inducted ‘Sniper Platoon’ of a Mobile Infantry Battalion in the People’s Liberation Army.

According to the sources in the Indian defence ministry, the ‘Sniper Platoon’ of the Mobile Infantry Battalion first made its appearance during the recently conducted exercise of the Western Theatre Command. The Western Theatre Command is one of the five war zones of the People Liberation Army.

The headquarters of Western Theater Command is located in Chengdu province. The Western Theater Command is mainly responsible for mountain warfare.

"PLA is authorizing a Sniper Platoon to each combine battalion similar to US Marine Corps to provide long range battlefield surveillance and precise fire power support mission to combined Battalions" a defence ministry official said on condition of anonymity. 

The Sniper Platoon is equipped with Type-10 large calibre range sniper rifles with special bullets and a maximum effective range of 1,500 metre. It is also equipped with piercing detonation shells which can be fired at military vehicles, light armoured vehicles ,aircraft and other soft skinned military equipment.

With Sniper Platoon in each combine battalion, the PLA has made a plan to induct Anti Jamming Communication Equipment for countering any efforts of enemy to stall their communication system during war. The antennae will strength the Anti-Jamming capabilities of PLA Units in battle and enhance stability and reliability of communication.

‘China missile borne anti-interference antennae for its state owned Beidou navigation satellite system will be delivered to PLA unit this year. The China made missile borne anti interference Antenna will enable PLA units to counter the enemy jamming system in battle,' said the sources.

As per earlier report, China is planning to enhance its mass surveillance capabilities with camera equipped drones designed to look like doves. The surveillance drones are fitted with flapping wings allowing them to swoop, dive and glide just like real birds.

The drones are almost indistinguishable from real doves and have been spotted flying in flocks of real birds, helping them to avoid detection by radars. These spy drones can fly at speeds of up to 40 km per hour for up to 30 minutes. These drones have deployed in the Xinjiang region.