In a major push for Indian agencies, London police arrested Jabir Siddiq alias Jabir Moti, the key aide for mafia don Dawood Ibrahim in London on Friday, 17 August. The police arrested him at a top hotel on Friday and later produced him in court, reported

Moti, a Pakistani national, was reportedly in charge of Ibrahim’s finances, and looked after his investments across the Middle East, UK, Europe, Africa, countries of the South East Asia and Pakistan, according to

He was picked up by officials of the Charing Cross police station.

There is no clarity on what charges Moti has been arrested yet, but the investigators are expected to question the top associate on his connection to the don, his family members and his henchmen.

India had previously also requested Moti’s arrest, since Moti is a close confidante of Ibrahim and his family, who are currently lodged in the upmarket Clifton locality in Pakistan. According to the report, Moti also owns some property in the residential compound owned by Ibrahim’s family in Karachi.