Communication with Vikram lander was lost at 2.1 km from the lunar surface

Fawad Chaudhry, Pakistan's minister for science and technology, sent out a series of tweets early on Saturday after India's Isro space agency lost contact with its Vikram lander. Vikram was on its descent to the moon when the agency lost contact with it just 2.1 km before it reached the lunar surface.

"Please sleep. The toy landed in Mumbai instead of landing on the moon," Chaudhry said in one of his tweets.

Indian Twittter users then called him out for his behaviour. He acknowledged them by claiming they were abusing him. 

India's space agency chief K Sivan confirmed his team had lost contact with

Chandrayaan-2's Vikram lander minutes before it was about to land on the lunar surface on Saturday morning. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi told scientists that, despite the lost connection, what they'd achieved was no mean feat. "Hope for the best," he said, adding that there were learning to be had from the venture.