Defence Minister Rajnath Singh on Saturday hit out at the Samajwadi Party for its "appeasement politics" and also launched a scathing attack on Rahul Gandhi for his comment on the Galwan clashes, saying the Congress leader only "trusts" the Chinese media. Speaking in Farah town of Baldeo assembly constituency, while campaigning for BJP candidate and sitting MLA Puran Prakash, the union minister said politics should be above religion. Targeting the SP, he said, "The basic purpose of politics is not just running a government but working for the welfare of the society and the country," he said, adding the BJP will never accept politics based on division.

Singh also accused Gandhi of trusting the Chinese media and not the valour of Indian soldiers. "Rahul Gandhi claims three-four Chinese soldiers were killed in Galwan. He trusts the Chinese media. According to the Australian media, 38 to 50 Chinese soldiers were killed. But the Congress leader has no trust in the valour of our army Jawans," he said.

Singh also made a reference to how Jan Sangh founder Shyama Prasad Mookerji had mentioned in the 1951 election manifesto about eliminating Article 370 from Jammu and Kashmir. "Now the dream of Mookerji has been made a reality by Prime Minister Narendra Modi," Singh said.

He also invoked Rajiv Gandhi’s remark that only 15 per cent of a rupee sent from Delhi reached the village to say that now hundred per cent is utilised owing to the administrative capability of Modi. Farmers under Kisan Samman Nidhi now get a hundred per cent, while labourers and poor who lost their jobs during Covid are being provided free ration twice a month, he said.

Singh asserted that Finance Minister Nirmala Seetharaman's announcement that the government will pay Rs 2.37 lakh crore towards procurement of wheat and paddy under MSP operations is proof of the Centre's concern for farmers. He hailed Modi's leadership in strengthening India's position in the global arena.

He also lauded the Indian army for destroying terrorist camps in Pakistan after the Pulwama incident, saying it demonstrates that India cannot be taken lightly. Singh also highlighted the successful implementation of various welfare schemes of the Yogi Adityanath government and attributed better law and order situation in Uttar Pradesh for the all round development of the state.