When SARS Arose In China The Government Covered It Up But One Doctor Revealed The Truth

Chinese surgeon named Jiang Yanyong, blew the whistle on the cover up attempt
The Coronavirus we’ve all been talking about for weeks has been officially labelled severe acute respiratory syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The reason for the 2 is that there is already a SARS-CoV-1. Like the current virus, SARS-CoV-1 spread from Chinese horseshoe bats and is believed to have infected a type of cat called a civet at a Chinese wet market in southern China. From there it spread to humans, eventually resulting in over 8,000 cases worldwide and around 800 deaths.
The Chinese government’s response to the original SARS outbreak in 2002-2003 was to lie and attempt to cover it up. We know this because one man, a Chinese surgeon named Jiang Yanyong, blew the whistle on the cover up attempt by sending reports to news organizations not controlled by the Chinese government. This comes from a 2007 article published by the NY Times:
The authorities have acted swiftly to clamp down on discussion about the outbreak. Censors blocked the hashtag #WuhanSARS. The police said they were investigating eight people in Wuhan for “spreading rumours” online about the disease, an announcement that was met with anger on Sina Weibo, one of China’s most popular social media sites.
We now know that China investigated thousands of people for spreading “rumours” about the virus online. The government also attempted to silence two doctors who were the first to blow the whistle, Dr. Li Wenliang and Dr. Ai Fen, both of whom worked at a hospital in Wuhan. Dr. Li died of the virus on Feb. 6 and Dr. Fen disappeared after she gave an interview to a Chinese magazine last month describing how the government tried to silence her and her fellow doctors. The interview was quickly censored on China’s internet.
As for Dr. Jiang, the SARS whistle blower, he became a public hero and used his newfound status to pressure the government over the Tiananmen crackdown. In response, the CCP put him in jail.
Jiang Zemin, then the leader of the military, ordered the detention of Dr. Jiang, who spent several months in custody, people involved in his defense say. Dr. Jiang was eventually allowed to return to his home but remained under constant watch.
Dr. Jiang is still alive. In February the Guardian reported the 88-year-old was living in isolation after a hospital stay that sounds like a nightmare:
For warning the world about SARS and challenging the CCP’s massacre of students at Tiananmen, Dr. Jiang became a political prisoner, one who has government minders watching him even when he’s in the hospital. To speak up (as Dr. Ai Fen did) is to risk a lifetime of punishment in this communist hellhole.
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