The BJP on Tuesday said that after terrorism, Pakistan a nearly bankrupt and impoverished rouge nation is pushing narco-consignments into J&K.

Senior BJP leader and party’s Jammu and Kashmir spokesman Altaf Thakur said that the Pakistan was pushing huge consignments of narcotics into Jammu and Kashmir to destroy the young generation which needs to be stopped and condemned by all forms.

The BJP on Tuesday said that after terrorism, Pakistan is pushing narco-consignments into Jammu and Kashmir.

Senior BJP leader and party’s J&K spokesman Altaf Thakur said that the Pakistan was pushing huge consignments of narcotics into J&K to destroy the young generation which needs to be stopped and condemned by all forms.

“While Pakistan didn’t succeed in promoting terrorism as security forces eliminated almost all terrorists in the past few years and those remaining will also be killed soon, the neighbouring country is now employing new tactics of pushing in large amount narcotics and other drugs to attract J&K’s young generation towards this menace,” Altaf Thakur said in a statement while hailing efforts of J&K police to control the drug menace.

Thakur said that there is a huge nexus between suppliers, peddlers and addicts across the UT, which needs to be broken by all means. “Zeroing in on the notorious drug peddler of Bandipora and seizing his property should be the eye-opener for the drug peddlers and suppliers across the UT and police in other districts of Kashmir must follow suit and choke the drug supply by catching the big fish,” he said.