Srinagar: Army hoisted 108 feet high mast National flag on the Line of Control (LoC) in Uri sector of North Kashmir district of Baramulla today.

The national tricolor was hosted at Kaman Post, the last border point between India and Pakistan occupied Jammu Kashmir (PoJK), was dedicated to the citizens of Uri jointly by the Army and Flag Foundation of India symbolising national pride and unity at the LoC.

The event was graced by the officials from Indian Army, Civil administration, members of the Foundation, community leaders, school children and tourists, Srinagar based defence spokesman said.

The flag mast is a testament to India’s rich heritage and the enduring spirit of its people.

This new addition to the impressive ‘KAMAN POST’ not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of the area but also is a testimony to sacrosanct values and ideals that the Indian tricolour represents.

The overwhelming participation by citizens in the event reinforces the positive propagation and actualization of ethos vital for nation-building.