Write for IDN
"Write for Indian Defense News (IDN)" is a feature for guest writers to write about issues relevant to both Indian & Global Defense.
Are you a newbie writer? Do you have story ideas but are hesitant to write it or have a writer’s block? Do you have a flair for writing, have a sound analytical insight, aren’t afraid of criticism then IDN is the right platform to connect with a daily average visitor base of more than 1,50,000 page views. IDN is one of the world's most popular defense related websites.
Please note that IDN is a highly professional and dedicated defense news website and we do not publish unrelated articles or content that are lifted from other sources.
The article must be at least 500+ words. Any relevant images for your post will be published by us. We’re not interested in articles that were half-assed, or slapped together in a few minutes.
Share your own/original thoughts and blog your heart out. We look forward to hearing from you!