Washington: US Secretary of State Antony Blinken spoke to Nigerien President Mohamed Bazoum and former president Mahamadou Issoufou, saying the US will continue to work to ensure full restoration of democratic rule in Niger.

"Secretary Blinken underscored that the United States will continue to work to ensure the full restoration of constitutional order and democratic rule in Niger," US State Department said in an official statement.

Blinken further stressed the importance of his continuing leadership in Niamey.

"The Secretary reiterated to President Bazoum the United States’ unflagging support and emphasized the importance of his continuing leadership in Niamey," the statement added.

He further praised Bazoum’s role in promoting security not only in Niger but the wider West Africa region.

"Democratically-elected President Bazoum remains in detention and that negotiations to ensure constitutional order in Niger were at an impasse," read the official statement.

The Secretary of State also expressed regret saying that those detaining Bazoum were threatening years of successful cooperation and hundreds of millions of dollars of assistance that support the Nigerien people.

"He asked former President Issoufou to continue efforts to resolve the situation in favor of the civilian-led democratically elected government," the statement added.

Following the military coup that sparked international condemnation, Abdourahamane Tiani, a Niger general, declared himself as the country’s new leader on July 28 after appearing on national television.

The announcement came a day after the West African country’s military endorsed the leaders behind the toppling of President Mohamed Bazoum’s government.

Tiani said in the broadcast that Wednesday’s coup was motivated by both the desire to “preserve our homeland” in a context of a “deteriorating security situation,” and poor economic and social governance, CNN reported.

Niger’s former government, he said, did not give Nigeriens “a glimpse of a real way out of the (security) crisis”.

Earlier, on Thursday, the Nigerien army command said it was supporting the seizure in a bid to thwart bloodshed.

The military’s statement also warned against foreign military intervention, which it said “risks having disastrous and uncontrolled consequences”, CNN reported.

Bazoum was reportedly detained two days ago by members of his own presidential guard.

The coup has drawn sharp criticism from world leaders.